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Characterization of actin genes in Bonamia ostreae and their application to phylogeny of the Haplosporidia ArchiMer
Lopez Flores, L; Suarez Santiago, V; Longet, D; Saulnier, Denis; Chollet, Bruno; Arzul, Isabelle.
Bonamia ostreae is a protozoan parasite that infects the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis, causing systemic infections and resulting in massive mortalities in populations of this valuable bivalve species. In this work, we have characterized B. ostreae actin genes and used their sequences for a phylogenetic analysis. Design of different primer sets was necessary to amplify the central coding region of actin genes of B. ostreae. Characterization of the sequences and their amplification in different samples demonstrated the presence of 2 intragenomic actin genes in B. ostreae, without any intron. The phylogenetic analysis placed B. ostreae in a clade with Minchinia tapetis, Minchinia teredinis and Haplosporidium costale as its closest relatives, and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Molecular phylogeny; Actin gene; Ostrea edulis parasite; Bonamia ostreae.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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